What are the impacts of climate change on bacteria, molds, and viruses in our microbiology laboratories?

What is the impact of climate change on microbial contaminations?

You’re feeling too warm under your microbiologist lab…
survey done by supermicrobiologists on microbiological incubators

Surveys on Microbiological Incubators

Here are the results of the surveys we conducted on our…
How to Validate a Bioburden Analysis on a Medical Device (MD)?

How to Validate a Bioburden Analysis on a Medical Device (MD)?

When a new MD (Medical Device) arrives at a microbiological…
what are the microbiology analysis run on medical devices ?

Microbiology: How to Test Medical Devices?

To be completely honest, at SuperMicrobiologists, our expertise…
how to integrate new laboratory technician in the lab

Integrating a New Microbiologist: How to Optimize Training and Qualification

When a new microbiologist joins your team, before they can…