What are the impacts of climate change on bacteria, molds, and viruses in our microbiology laboratories?

What is the impact of climate change on microbial contaminations?

You’re feeling too warm under your microbiologist lab…
Listeria, the new european regulation for ready to eat food

Listeria: What Impact Will the New European Regulation Have on Your Lab?

Do You Produce Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Foods? Then this new…
Which pipette works the best for the microbiology laboratory ? the manual pipette or the electronic pipette

Manual or Electronic Micropipette: How to Choose?

The world of microbiology is divided into two camps: those…
How does an air-cushion micropipette used in microbiology work?

Microbiology: Everything you need to know about micropipettes

In the microbiology lab, we all know how to use a micropipette,…
How to choose the best buffered peptone water for your microbiology laboratory ?

Food microbiology : How to choose the best Buffered Peptone Water ?

BPW (Buffered Peptone Water) is an enrichment broth (or…
all about the culture media pouches used in food microbiology labs

Ready-to-use culture media bags in food microbiology: Advantages, disadvantages, and supplier selection

Summary of this article (for those in a hurry 😁): Ready-to-use…
In microbiology, what is considered as a batch when a culture media is produced with a culture media preparator

ISO 11133 and Media Preparators: How Do Food Microbiology Labs Handle the Concept of a Batch?

Summary of this article (for the lazy ones 😁): 👉…
6 advice to choose the best culture media preparator for microbiology labs

Food Microbiology: 6 Tips to Choose the Best Culture Media Preparator

Summary of this article (for the lazy ones 😁): Advantages…
The hockey stick used in microbiology is a bacteria killer, mainly targeting Gram-negative bacteria.

Impact of the hockey stick spreading on microorganism enumeration

Whether you call it a hockey stick, a spreader, a spatula,…
solution to reduce waste in the microbiology laboratories

7 Solutions to Reduce Waste in the Microbiology Laboratory

Waste reduction: a hot topic in microbiology labs! How…