Natural or Forced Convection: Which Incubator Should You Choose for Your Microbiology Lab?
One of the most important factors for a microbiology incubator…

Surveys on Microbiological Incubators
Here are the results of the surveys we conducted on our…

Microbiology: How to Choose the Best Incubator?
Microbiology labs around the world have one thing in common……

Microbiology: How to Decontaminate an Incubator?
In a microbiology lab, there’s one thing we all dread:…

Food Microbiology: The Best Gravimetric Dilutors on the Market
As we highlighted in our article : How to choose a gravimetric…

Food Microbiology: How to choose the best gravimetric diluter for your lab ?
The gravimetric dilutor, has become an indispensable tool…

Food Microbiology: The 3 Best Media Preparators
We surveyed the SuperMicrobiologists working in food microbiology…

STEC: Cheese Factory’s Experience with the Assurance GDS PCR Method
Before adopting a technology in your food microbiology laboratory,…

How to choose the best lab blender for your microbiology lab ?
Buying a new lab blender is usually not a financially or…

New ISO 7218:2024 Standard: What’s Different?
We’ve been waiting for months! Here is (finally) the new…