Tag Archive for: english
What is the impact of climate change on microbial contaminations?
You’re feeling too warm under your microbiologist lab…
Listeria: What Impact Will the New European Regulation Have on Your Lab?
Do You Produce Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Foods?
Then this new…
Manual or Electronic Micropipette: How to Choose?
The world of microbiology is divided into two camps: those…
Microbiology: Everything you need to know about micropipettes
In the microbiology lab, we all know how to use a micropipette,…
Food microbiology : How to choose the best Buffered Peptone Water ?
BPW (Buffered Peptone Water) is an enrichment broth (or…
Ready-to-use culture media bags in food microbiology: Advantages, disadvantages, and supplier selection
Summary of this article (for those in a hurry 😁):
ISO 11133 and Media Preparators: How Do Food Microbiology Labs Handle the Concept of a Batch?
Summary of this article (for the lazy ones 😁):
Food Microbiology: 6 Tips to Choose the Best Culture Media Preparator
Summary of this article (for the lazy ones 😁):
Impact of the hockey stick spreading on microorganism enumeration
Whether you call it a hockey stick, a spreader, a spatula,…
7 Solutions to Reduce Waste in the Microbiology Laboratory
Waste reduction: a hot topic in microbiology labs!