Entries by pierre

Listeria: What Impact Will the New European Regulation Have on Your Lab?

Do You Produce Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Foods? Then this new European regulation on Listeria monocytogenes is definitely worth your attention! But regulations can be tricky to understand. To make things clearer, we spoke to experts. Everything you need to know about this new regulation is summarized (and simplified) in this article. Content: Why Was the Regulatory […]

Manual or Electronic Micropipette: How to Choose?

The world of microbiology is divided into two camps: those who love electronic micropipettes and those who… dig in love manual micropipettes. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. To help you pick a side, we’ve listed them for you. The Manual Pipette As the name suggests, the manual micropipette is operated manually by the […]

Microbiology: Everything you need to know about micropipettes

In the microbiology lab, we all know how to use a micropipette, but do we really know how it works? For years, we’ve just called it a “micropipette.” But after chatting with some experts, we learned its proper name is actually “air-cushion micropipette.” To be fair, “air-cushion micropipette” is a bit of a mouthful, isn’t […]

Food microbiology : How to choose the best Buffered Peptone Water ?

BPW (Buffered Peptone Water) is an enrichment broth (or diluent) used in most food microbiology laboratories. When we started writing this article, we thought, “BPW is BPW—they’re all the same! Plus, with supplier certificates of analysis and ISO 11133 tests, there’s no risk.” Apparently, we weren’t the only ones who thought that: Well, we were […]

Ready-to-use culture media bags in food microbiology: Advantages, disadvantages, and supplier selection

Summary of this article (for those in a hurry 😁): Ready-to-use (RTU) culture media bags in food microbiology offer a quick and convenient solution. Advantages: no preparation required, time-saving, simplifies analyses. Disadvantages: higher cost compared to powdered media, handling and risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), ecological impact of transporting water. Supplier selection criteria: media quality, […]

ISO 11133 and Media Preparators: How Do Food Microbiology Labs Handle the Concept of a Batch?

Summary of this article (for the lazy ones 😁): 👉 The definition of a batch in food microbiology is complex and subject to various approaches.👉 The three accredited laboratories interviewed believe that a media preparator cycle ≠ a batch.👉 Key factors: cycle parameters, water quality, staff qualification, and internal controls.👉 Each lab tailors its method […]

Food Microbiology: 6 Tips to Choose the Best Culture Media Preparator

Summary of this article (for the lazy ones 😁): When using enrichment broths in a food microbiology laboratory, there are several options: According to our LinkedIn survey, 16% of SuperMicrobiologistes currently use media preparators in their laboratories. This percentage would likely be much higher if the question had been asked exclusively to food microbiology laboratories. […]