Entries by pierre

How does the Institut Pasteur’s bacterial strain collection work?

We were living our lives as microbiologists just fine until one day, a SuperMicrobiologist asked us: “We are asked to use strains with less than 5 passages, but how do culture type collections preserve them for decades?” Anonymous SuperMicrobiologist And since then, we haven’t slept… So, we contacted one of the most renowned strain collections […]

Why is STEC detection in food sample so complicated?

Whether it’s for the ISO/TS 13136 standard or for alternative methods, detecting strains of Escherichia coli that produce Shiga toxins (STEC) is quite a challenge. Here’s why. Content : What is a STEC? We wrote a complete (and simple) article on the definition of STEC. But in summary a STEC is an Escherichia coli with […]

Detection of STEC in Food

The detection of Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) may be one of the most complex topics in food microbiology at the moment… and that’s exactly what makes it exciting. The aim of this article is to explain as simply as possible what STEC is, what the regulations are, but most importantly, how to detect them in […]

Glossary of Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC)

While writing our articles on STEC, we quickly realized that there were many acronyms and abbreviations. Even ourself were a little bit lost. So, we decided to build a glossary, and because we don’t like to keep things to ourselves, here it is: AEEC: Attaching and Effacing Escherichia coli are strains of E. coli possessing […]

Integrating a New Microbiologist: How to Optimize Training and Qualification

When a new microbiologist joins your team, before they can fully contribute to laboratory analyses, two crucial steps are necessary: training in the lab’s specific methods, followed by… their authorization! But what is this exactly? Authorization, far more than a mere formality, is an essential process. In a context where recruiting and especially retaining technicians […]

Microbiology Pharma: The Best Rapid and Alternative Methods

We asked the SuperMicrobiologists (over 13,000 followers on LinkedIn) which rapid (or alternative) methods they use in their microbiology laboratories. Here are all the methods that were reported back to us. The choice is yours! Content : Take part now in the Survey for 2025 Red One by Redberry Red One™ is the new generation […]

Microbiology Pharma: How to choose the best RMM for your QC lab?

Rapid methods (or alternative methods) in microbiology laboratories are somewhat of an elusive concept. Despite years of discussion, their routine application remains sparse. Yet, theoretically, the benefits of rapid methods are significant (time savings, accuracy, automation, etc.). So, why the slow adoption? Implementing a rapid method is not just a task for the microbiology lab. […]

SuperMicrobiologists’ survey

Once a week, on our LinkedIn SuperMicrobiologists page, we poll microbiologists on a question of “general interest”. The results aren’t always what we thought they’d be… but that’s what makes the community so strong! Bulk survey