Entries by pierre

Microbiologie : Why Incubate Petri Dishes Upside Down?

There are things we do every day in the lab without thinking much about them, simply because that’s how we were taught. Then one morning, we wake up and wonder: “Why on earth do we incubate Petri dishes upside down?” Do bacteria enjoy doing somersaults, or is it all about gravity? To solve this mystery, […]

Pharma Microbiology: What is the Role of Neutralizers in Environmental Monitoring Culture Media?

Neutralizers are commonly used in pharmaceutical culture media for environmental monitoring. TSA+LTHT (Lecithin, Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80), Histidine, and Thiosulfate) and TSA+LT are considered standard for neutralization. However, the exact types and concentrations of each neutralizers are not specified in either the European Pharmacopoeia (EP) or the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). This expertise in formulating […]

Survey on Environmental Monitoring in Pharma

Here are the results of the surveys we conducted on our LinkedIn page with the SuperMicrobiologistes on environmental monitoring in pharmaceutical laboratories. You’ll find everything you need to know about culture media, incubation temperatures, and viable air samplers. If anything is missing or unclear, feel free to reach out to us!

Microbiology: How to Choose the Best Incubator?

Microbiology labs around the world have one thing in common… they all use incubators. Often, even more than one! Without incubator, there would be no standardized analysis, no bacteria, and no lab microbiology. The incubator is THE microbiologist’s essential tool. But here’s the thing, not all incubators are the same. In this article, we’ll give […]

Microbiology: How to Decontaminate an Incubator?

In a microbiology lab, there’s one thing we all dread: cross-contamination. Yes, that witch can strike at any time, whether on the bench or worse… in the incubator! And according to our latest LinkedIn survey, more than half of you have already experienced contamination in your incubator. A “contaminated” incubator is a disaster. It can […]

Food Microbiology: The Best Gravimetric Diluters on the Market

As we highlighted in our article : How to choose a gravimetric Dilutor, if there’s one piece of equipment you can’t afford to get wrong in a food microbiology lab, it’s the gravimetric diluter. One bad choice and disaster strikes! The “superpower” of SuperMicrobiologists is that nearly 20,000 of us work in microbiology labs every […]