How does a class 2 Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) work?
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Today, most microbiology laboratories use a class II Biological…
What is a BSC – Biological Safety Cabinet?
For several years now, in our microbiology laboratories,…
Non-sterile Pharma: How to perform a Growth Promotion test on culture media?
To understand how culture media GPTs (Growth Promotion Tests)…
Food Microbiology: How to limit cross-contamination caused by QC strains?
ISO 11133 and ISO 7218 standards require food microbiology…
Pharma Growth Promotion Tests: How to choose your calibrated QC strains?
Most pharmaceutical QC microbiology laboratories routinely…
Food Microbiology: How to choose microbiological quality control strains?
In the last few years, food microbiology laboratories have…
The worldwide map of microbiology labs
This map is the fruit of the collaborative work of the SuperMicrobiologists.…